Activities Wiltshire Logistics B.V.

The activities of Wiltshire Logistics B.V. are (inter alia) in the industry: Inland Shipping (Freight) . This category has the main category: 'Transport and storage', and is further subdivided by: 'Water transport', subcategory 'Inland waterway (freight, tank and ash).

Wiltshire Logistics B.V. was established Before 2018 aiming on its principal competencies auxiliary transportation, petroleum storage and related logistics service. Over this few years, we have established a good relationship with many clients whom have entrusted their daily delivery operations and storage on us. It includes the improvements for a world-class fleet of trucks as well as warehousing facilities for the high expectations and demand of our clients. That enhances our growth along the way and a opportunity to increase our tank storage service capabilities. We are among the top operators of oil terminals in Netherlands and Houston with various storage capacities with our continuous partnership with other major tank storage providers in Europe and the United States with bulk liquid cargo storage facilities.

Tank Farm Storage

Wiltshire Logistics B.V. is a global provider of storage and shipment of oil and vessel company. The company main activity is rendering of storage tanks.

ocean Fright

Every day, Ship-Road Ocean containers set out on the deep blue sea, heading for ports all over the world. Whether you are importing goods from China.

Emploies in Team

Company fleets

Worldwide Clients

Projects Done

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